How Does The Food Revolution Affect The Base Of What We Call American Culture

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3.5 Talk about CONCEPTS:
The food revolution will affect the base of what we call American culture. It will change that culture into something brand new. “Our ambition is to replace processed junk food with freshly cooked meals in schools all over America”. This type of revolution will allow people to see the great dramatic change in their diet it. Jamie Oliver in my eyes brought about a new food system that could benefit everyone. Upon benefiting everyone it will cause other states to see the foods being eaten are actually healthy and can decrease obesity. Furthermore, with that being stated, that can also become a local law where schools in Virginia must provide a healthier standard in their meals. Upon this action that I believe will happen, …show more content…

Pastor Willis decided that health was very important to himself, he learned how to eat well and exercise, and learned many things.

Point of View
He realized it was God's plan for him to share what he learned with other people. So he realized it was God’s plan for him to share what he learned with other people. So he gradually developed a plan & programme to share his learning’s and opinions with other people. With a particular emphasis on using religion to scaree people into understanding, that God wantss them to take care of the gift he gave them.

Pastor Willis belief has a particular emphasis on using religion to scar people into understanding, that God want them to take care of the gift he gave them. Pastor Willis is using religion to make people feel they are insulting God by mistreating his gift.So he decided he shouldn’t just preach and become involved, this is because he says your body is the lord's temple. He believes he’s a devout religious …show more content…

Additionally the school must not have understood them properly as a result the student were receiving very low quality food. After the revolution, the children still did not like the revolution meals”Milk consumption averaged 632 units daily during the 2 months of standard lunch meals and 472 units daily during the Food Revolution meals” By removing flavoured milk the consumption decreased.

Cooks Backround
The cooks confident on following the USDA recommendations as they believed it was healthy. They were not worried about the other chemical ingredient on the processed food. They also were under belief that natural food would not be practical under their cooking