Importance Of Harmony Essay

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Gaius Sallutius Crispus once said “Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it make great things decay.” Harmony is an agreement where it brings closure to fights. It has to be maintained and flows smoothly like a river in a never ending way. A small thing or a problem can be solve through discussion and exchanging of brilliant and logical ideas. Without harmony, there will be no peace, only chaos and the river bathed with red blood. In order to make our world a better place, we must cherish the peace between countries and their people. What is the meaning of harmony? Well, the word harmony is synonym to peace. When we talk about harmony, we talk about conditions. Conditions as in terms of agreement and surroundings. Look around us, our world is fill with corruption, crimes and many more that are hidden before we even know! Furthermore, the statistic of crime increase month after month. Even the police officers could not even handle the case! If by any chance, criminals’ have escaped from the hands of justice. Troubles are ahead of us and the …show more content…

There are ways to maintain and prevail the harmony among nations. One of them is gaining their trust. When we talk about trust, we talk of loyalty and commitment. Gaining trust to solve an issue without blood shed. Take a look back to our Malaysian’s history, back to 1957, where our first prime minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj, made our nation proud by freeing our nation from grasp of the Great Britain without any blood shed on the ground. We as the current generation appreciate his work by celebrating our Independence Day on the 31st August annually. Question is how he did it? Well, through many documents and accordance, he had formed peace with the English people. Most important is that harmony among two countries had spread across the entire nation. Thus, Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj is known in Malaysia as the Father of

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