Harriet Tubman Dbq Essay

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When Harriet Tubman was about 28 she had just become a free African American. It was 1849 when her slave owner died, she knew it was the perfect time to go off and become free. When she did, just a year later she started rescuing slaves in 1850. She took big measures to make sure their owners didn’t find them and just bring them back She even took sometimes to Canada. She did this from 1850 to 1860 and rescued 38 slaves and freed them. At the beginning of the packet, it says, in 1849 it says she had run from the place that she was a slave because her master had died. In just one year she starting rescuing slaves, she had a chance just to try to enjoy just a normal slave life. Instead, she chose to risk potentially get caught and becoming a slave again, to rescue slaves and let them enjoy their life as a free slave. why this supports that rescuing these slaves is her greatest is because she risked her life so other people don’t. Reason one, she risked her life and freedom, so others can live their life the right way and be free. In document A it shows the routes that Harriet Tubman …show more content…

She had a choice to stop in Albany, Canada, but no she went all the way to Saint Catherine's. She was doing this travel mostly by foot, but she wanted the slaves that she was rescuing to be safe, so the slaves that she freed didn’t just get taken back from their owners. It's said that in 1850 that they passed a law that allowed slaves owners or anyone to just take back a slave that they had that escaped them. This also allowed them to take an African American that was free or that was never a slave in the north. the more north she took them in Canada the less likely the slaves that she helped escape would get caught. Reason two she took extra measures to make the slaves that she helped escape did not get caught and most of the time it was only 5 or 7 people at a time. but she still traveled 300 miles to make sure they would be