Harriet Tubman was a former slave who lead slaves to freedom through The Underground Railroad. She escaped and then journeyed back south many times to help more escape. This helped against inhumane actions to lead people to freedom. Since she was a former slave she helped people to freedom by risking her own life and as people are not property they shouldn’t be kept as such. Harriet Tubman was not a criminal for taking slaves from plantations to freedom because 1) all people have a right to freedom, 2) she helped against inhumane actions of keeping people, and 3) she helped as a symbol for freedom.
First all people deserve freedom and therefore freeing people is not a crime. Evidence of this is that when the constitution was created the freedoms were listed first. This means that they thought it was most important so they listed it first. Some more evidence is that if some people
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Second, she helped against inhumane actions. Evidence of this is that slavery is now outlawed as being inhumane. This means that she was doing what is now considered right. Another piece of evidence is that she saved people from being worked and beaten to death. This means she saved people from a slow and painful death. Harriet Tubman helped against inhumane actions.
Last, She was a symbol for freedom and that helped people. She gave people hope to people who were slaves. This means that she became a symbol of hope. She also helped people get through hard times with hopes of freedom and seeing that escaping was possible. This means that she helped people tI’m o be free as a symbol that escaping was possible. Harriet Tubman was a symbol of hope and freedom and she helped people.
“But she stole things people paid money for” you say. Slave owners had to pay money for slaves. People aren’t property so they shouldn’t be able to buy and sell people. This means that she was fighting for justice and not stealing from people. This is why Harriet tubman did not steal from