Harris Vs Dylan Klebold

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The shooting at Columbine High School on April 20th, 1999 shook America and was known as the worst high school shooting during that time. Two high school students that attended Columbine, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, walked in and killed 13 people in total, 12 of them being students and one a teacher, as well as wounded more than 20 others. At the end of it all, they decided to kill themselves along with the 13 they had already killed. Since then there has been a numerous amount of school shootings across America and some have proven to be much more destructive than Columbine Dylan Klebold was only 17 years old when he committed this act and didn’t seem like the type of person who would do something of this nature. Klebold was born on September …show more content…

Harris and Klebold both kept journals and wrote in them all the way up to the shooting. They left their deepest darkest thoughts behind in those journals and soon they were revealed to the world. Dylan and Eric were two distinctly different types of killers and they had different thoughts. Even though they had the same outcome in mind, what was going through their heads was completely different. In an article titled What a Killer Thinks the author says that Harris was known to be a “psychopath killer” and Klebold was a “depressed killer”. The author, Dave Cullen says “Harris was witty, charming, and endearing-like most psychopaths-but he artfully masked his hate. "I hate the f-king world," his journal begins, a year before the attack.” And then goes on to talk about Harris’s psychopathic tendencies and how that all tied into the day of the shooting. Cullen then goes on to talk about Klebold saying, “Dylan Klebold, before his rampage at Columbine, felt his soul dying. Hopeless. Helpless. Unrelenting despair. He documented it in a private journal for two years. He also left telling school essays and notorious videotapes. The wealth of information provides one of the most enlightening portraits of the depressive descent to a killing spree.” These two contrasting killers had very different ways of expressing their feelings and different feelings/thoughts in general. These teenagers felt as if they were so closed out from their peers that they had to do this to prove a point, it was their lack of happiness and inclusion that drove them mad. Depression was present in both killers however, the form of it was different. In Harris’s final journal entry before the shooting he says “hate you people for leaving me out of so many fun things. And no don't fucking say, "well thats your fault" because it isnt, you people had my phone #, and I asked and all, but