
Harry Potter Monologue

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Rose looks up axiously, she felt the dirt and gravel underneath the path as she walks down the road to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her cousin is by her side, he squeezes her shoulder comfortingly. They arrive at the majestic castle, and they gasp in delight. Rose muses as she touches the walls, and feels a pull. She suddenly feels a bundle of emotions, all confusing her. She feels lost,regret and...and unrequited love? Weird she thought. They were ushered inside the castle and into a small chamber. Somebody pushes her, and almost topples the boy in front of her. She turns back and see's Scorpius Malfoy. "Why did you push me?" She asks furiously. His eyes widen, as he fidgets with his fingers. "I..you...I couldn't see" he …show more content…

Mr.Malfoy and Uncle Harry are two very different people, so am I" "Cunning,scheming, a disregard for certain rules something that your Uncle has,and you would make a good Slytherin however I think that there is a Gryffindor in you" "I think you've made your desicion" "Gryffindor!" yells the Sorting Hat. She jumps as it whispers some thoughtful advice. Don't be so prejudiced, people change the Sorting Hat said. She jumps off the stool and walks to the table. The sound,while not as loud as Al's, was huge. There were eager hand-shakes and loud calls of "I knew it". Everybody knew her name before she arrived at Hogwarts. She was destined to be a popular, Quidditch playing, intelligent young woman she thought sadly. So many expectations and so many people who would judge you if you didn't reach them. She is her own person, not just two halves of her parents. She could read other people's thoughts about her but that's not important. It's they're feelings on what they are saying. Feelings tend to leak through when you least need them. The most absentminded thoughts have …show more content…

"I'm so glad that the Sorting is finally over, mash potatoes?" asks Al grinning. She takes the generous spoonful of mash potatoes and gravy. She's grateful that she inherited her father's fast metabolism. However the only downside is that all your muggle clothes look droopy because of her skinny frame. "So it looks like we're in the same house" says Malfoy suddenly. "Yes, considering I'm sitting in the same table as you" she replies scornfully. He's taken aback and Al shoots a look at Rose. His green eyes were clearly signaling to stop. Good,sweet Al. Always see's the best in everybody. That's what she thinks. However most people would say that Rose is the person who see's the best in everybody. "Good one Rosie!" Yells James his fist pumping in the air. Fred beside him whoops and whistles before being quickly shut up by Professor Mcgonagall. He looks down, but the duo have a mad glint in their eyes. "They're planning something" whispers Al to Rose. She nods in reply her neat auburn curls hitting his face. She puts on a sorry face before rolling her eyes. "They're always planning something" "You only know that because of your.....mind reading

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