
Hassle-Free State Fair Research Paper

259 Words2 Pages
Let DART be Your Guide to a Hassle-Free State Fair Experience What 's not to love about the State Fair of Texas®? There are thrill-seeking rides, just-gotta-try-it midway games, lively shows, concerts and exhibits, and of course, every kind of palate-tempting, deep-fried food you can imagine. The fair comes only once a year, so it 's important to do it right! That starts with getting to Fair Park. Fortunately, DART makes it easy. Here are a few guidelines to make your journey to the fair as hassle-free as possible: 1. Use the GoPass℠ app to buy your tickets in advance: Make sure to activate them the day you go to the fair. 2. Know the fares: Make sure you’re buying the right transit pass. 3. Park free at a DART station: Take advantage of
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