Mississippi Freedom Research Paper

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Although African Americans have been considered free in terms of the law, in some states, especially Mississippi in the early sixties, the Caucasian population had not evolved past the discrimination and hate they felt towards African Americans. But there were people that wanted to help the African Americans in the deep South. These Civil Rights activists were the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee(SNCC)(Wisconsin). College students from all over America were recruited to help the African Americans with their racial injustice. Freedom summer wanted to do three things for the Mississippi blacks (Wisconsin). These three things were helping with voter registration, helping with freedom schools, and helping with the Mississippi Freedom democratic party(American). The SNCC and the CORE( congress of racial equality), wanted these volunteers to help bring attention to what was happening, and finally make a change for African Americans(Wisconsin). African Americans have been discriminated against, even though they are people with feelings and dreams just like the rest of society; even though the only difference between African Americans and Caucasians is the color of their skin. These African Americans no matter what endured the hate, bombings, beatings, and murders, so they …show more content…

But these African Americans not once gave up on what they wanted to achieve, which was to be fully free. “Freedom Summer Project had three main goals for the Mississippi blacks, which were helping with freedom schools that taught alternative values they weren 't allowed to be taught before, helping with voter registration, and helping with a new democratic party”(Moye). While they accomplished voter registration, and freedom summer. Even though the new democratic party didn 't win in the end they accomplished letting all of America know what was happening in