
Hate Crime Today

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The definition of a hate crime is referred to as a “a crime, usually violent, motivated by prejudice or intolerance toward an individual’s national origin, ethnicity, color, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability”. "Hate Crime. Hate crime has existed all through history and are most likely going to exist for a while. When some people wakes up in the morning and began to start their day they don 't even think “ Will I be the victim of a hate crime today” or “Is someone going to attack me today for who I love”. Statistic that from from the the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs or (NCAVP), say that their data suggests that 20-25% of lesbian and gay people experience hate crimes within their lifetimes this …show more content…

Another incident happened in Greeley Colorado in 2008 “, Angie Zapata, 20, was fatally beaten by her date after he discovered she was Transgender. Zapata 's killer, Allen Andrade, told police that after he discovered Zapata had male genitalia, he hit her twice in the head with a fire extinguisher thinking he had, in his words, "killed it." Andrade was reportedly a member of a Colorado gang that is reputed to have a zero-tolerance policy on homosexuality. He was charged with first degree murder and a hate crime.59 Andrade was found guilty of these crimes on April 22, 2009” "Hate Crimes Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, And Transgender Individuals”.These crimes both happened about a decade ago, but has anything changed? “Reported hate crimes in Los Angeles increased 15% in 2016, with a marked rise in violence against LGBTQ individuals, according to a new analysis”, the report also says that “the 2016 jump was driven by a combination of a 64% surge in violent aggravated assaults, an 18.5% rise in racially motivated crimes and a 24.5% increase in crimes against LGBTQ people . “Hate Crimes in Los Angeles Rose in 2016, Many against LGBTQ People, Study …show more content…

On June 12 2016, young adults enjoying their night in Pulse nightclub when gunfire broke out, those who weren 't killed immediately by the first shots ran to the bathrooms for safety. With nowhere else to run they were still unsafe, in a last effort to show what happened and say their goodbyes to their loves ones and to warn people of what was happening "Everyone get out of pulse and keep running,"- from the Pulse Facebook club “Hate Crimes in Los Angeles Rose in 2016, Many against LGBTQ People, Study Finds.",others they turned to their cameras on their phones to record their final moment some post to Snapchat or sent them straight to their loved ones. June 12, 2016 a breaking news story came one all across the states. 49 people were killed by Omar Mateen, the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history at Pulse nightclub. 49 (50 total including the gunner) innocent lives were taken that day, lives were changed not just from the people involved but all across the nation. Rea valentino who met her fiance and the club said “"It scared us," Valentino told ABC News by phone about news of the massacre. "I 'm afraid to go outside, because who knows what 's going to

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