The Effect Of Loffreda's Attack On The LGBT Community

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On the other hand, Loffreda notices the problem that is practically neglected by the media and the public, which the LGBT people’s position in the community are rather hard and the problem of hate and intolerance towards minorities are not yet solved. From the university president Phil Dubois, “nothing could match the sorrow and revulsion we feel for this attack on Matt. It is almost as sad, however, to see individuals and groups around the country react to this event by stereotyping an entire community, if not an entire state” (Loffreda, 244). The media is categorizing everyone in Laramie as the same, full of hate and prejudice, not because they are just generalizing the problem, but they want to feel superior and tries to show that they have more progressive mindset compared to the citizens in Laramie. …show more content…

She identifies the different types of people in the town after the occurrence of Matt Shepard: the people who change perspectives, who remain neutral, who are still anti-gay, who are pro-gay, and who Loffreda claims as hypocritical. Loffreda values Laramie differently compared to the outsiders and she senses what are the important circumstances in the event instead of just simply giving a