Hatred And Corruption Revealed In Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Buddha once said, “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.” Hatred and anger have the power to blind one’s ability to love. When the ability to love is suppressed, hatred will run its course, often times resulting in a negative outcome. Prince Hamlet was blinded by his own hatred to the point where his selfishness led to a disregard of those around him. The decisions that Hamlet’s mother made, led to Hamlet’s anger throughout the play. This anger, when directed at Ophelia led to her insanity and ultimate suicide. In Shakespeare’s, Hamlet, Prince Hamlet’s need to avenge his father’s death and hatred for his mother unraveled Ophelia’s sanity and led to her downfall. First, Prince Hamlet’s need to avenge his father’s death, disconnected him from the people around him, which led to the death of Ophelia. The visit of Hamlet’s dead father to him, bestowed upon Hamlet the daunting task of avenging his father’s death. “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder” (1.5.31). This great responsibility placed onto him caused Hamlet to act differently. His sole purpose was revenge and because of that, his mind was constantly fixated on this task. “So, uncle, there you are. Now to my word/It is ‘adieu, adieu, remember me’/I have sworn ’t” (1.5.117-119). Everything in …show more content…

It's also in this act that, Hamlet rescinds his love for Ophelia in saying, “I loved you not” (3.1.129). It is in his selfishness that Hamlet was able to forget the love he has for Ophelia and could personally attack her like this. The breaking of this relationship represented Ophelia’s tragic downfall. “...thus the denial of his love for her must have been more heart-breaking than his insults” (Gürcü, 2016, p.48). The last straw of Ophelia's innocence was broken when Hamlet denied his love. After this point, Ophelia was doomed to driving herself mad, all because of Prince