Havisham Essay

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The poem Havisham by Carol Anne Duffy is a powerful portrayal of heartbreak and the devastating effects it can have on a person's life. Through the perspective of Aurelia Havisham, we see the bitter and helpless tone that is conveyed through the use of various poetic devices such as engagement, repetition, and imagery. The poem is a dramatic prologue that reimagines the well-known character of Havisham from the Charles Dickens novel 'Great Expectations' and focuses on her struggle with deep-seated heartbreak caused by abandonment by her groom. The main theme of the poem revolves around heartbreak, and how it can leave a person feeling bitter, helpless, and unable to move on. The use of vivid imagery and powerful metaphors in the poem makes …show more content…

In just a few simple yet emotive words, Duffy effectively captures this disorientation using techniques such as plosive sounds and oxymorons. Symbolism for jealousy and Havisham’s deep craving for vengeance is encapsulated with “Prayed for it so hard I’ve dark green pebbles for eyes.” Enjambment is exploited throughout this rambling sentence in order to transcribe Havisham’s overbearing desire and befuddled mind whilst also reflecting Havisham’s real life mannerisms and how she spews out her words in rage. The symbolic term “prayed” is used in reference to Havisham's continuous fidelity and desperation that drop such an arduous mental weight on her day in and day out. Describing Havisham’s eyes as “ dark green” relates to the wicked jealousy she feels so intensely whilst “pebbles for eyes” are a metaphor for how heartbreak has left her lifeless and cold. Duffy illustrates Havisham in this stanza as a character that has drowned herself in this pool of rage and vengeance, leaving her unable to think coherently. Heartbreak has transformed her. Duffy's use of allusion to Dickens' novel grounds the poem in a familiar narrative, and quickly establishes Havisham's persona as she is given a voice. Her tone is bitter and helpless, conveying the depth of her emotional pain. Through the use of repetition, Duffy emphasises the strength of Havisham's emotions, and how they consume her. For instance, repetition of the phrase "Spinster. I stink and remember" evokes a sense of …show more content…

The poet is effectively exploring a number of themes in this poem, including love, heartbreak, betrayal, and revenge. Through the use of various poetic devices such as imagery, repetition, and metaphor, Duffy effectively captures the disorientation and confusion that comes with heartbreak. The poem's portrayal of Miss Havisham's pain is a reminder of the importance of healing and moving on from past traumas, rather than allowing them to consume and define us.Finally, "Havisham" is a powerful and unforgettable poem that explores the devastating effects of heartbreak. Through the use of various poetic devices, Duffy effectively captures the disorientation that comes with heartbreak, leaving readers with a powerful message about the importance of healing and moving on. The poem is a reminder that, while heartbreak can