
Hawaii Is My Home

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Hawaii is my home. It is in these Islands that I have spent my entire life. I have grown to appreciate the rich and beautiful culture, history, and language that have developed here. This place will always be my home. Because of these facts, it is one reason why I chose this particular artwork; it is because it is named after my most favorite place in the world, Hawaii. Of all artworks I saw on the Honolulu Museum of Art website, I would choose Hawaii by Charles W. Bartlett to have in my home. This colored woodblock print stood out to me. I really enjoy looking and admiring the beautiful print. The reason this particular woodblock print caught my attention was because of the surfer standing in front of the beaming sun. The surfer is catching a wave and riding it towards the shore with what looks like such ease. I can only fantasize what it is like to ride a wave. How would it feel to ride gently glide over the moving water while the water splashes around my feet? Only in my imagination can I dream of what it feels like. In all my life I have never tried to surf, although one day I would love to learn. …show more content…

The joy it brings him is priceless. I also have many relatives who surf frequently. My uncle in fact is a pro surfer. Perhaps one day I could imagine that it was him who was riding that wave in the woodblock print because the man standing on the surfboard looks very similar to my uncle. Hawaii would fit perfectly into my lifestyle because I am surrounded by people who love to

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