Health Financing In Nigeria Case Study

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Part A
Summarize the region of the world you selected. Include some brief public health information about the region, including the average length of life and the main diseases from which people die. Describe how the health care system/s is organized.
Country Profile:
The Federal Republic of Nigeria has a population of about 173.6million, a Gross Domestic Product of $173.6billion and a GDP growth rate of 7.3% (Worldbank; 2013). The National Planning Commission estimates that about 48% of the population is female and 51% male (2008).
Organization of the Health Sector:
The country operates a three-tiered governance structure – a Federal Government, 36 State with Governments and a federal capital that are not fully autonomous, given that they …show more content…

(WHO; 2010) Constraints to scaling up the health Millennium Development Goals: costing and financial gap analysis, Background Document for the Taskforce on Innovative Financing for Health Systems, WHO.
5. (Obansa; 2013) Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 4 (1) January 2013
6. The National Strategic Health Development Plan Framework (2009-2015)
7. Health Financing in Nigeria accessed at; 11/20/2014
8. WHO (2010) Constraints to scaling up the health Millennium Development Goals: costing and financial gap analysis, Background Document for the Taskforce on Innovative Financing for Health Systems, WHO.

Part B
Summarize a public health organization and the population it serves.
AIDS Prevention Initiative in Nigeria, Ltd. /Gte. (APIN) is a non-governmental organization registered with the Nigerian Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). APIN works in partnership with the Federal Government to provide services to Persons Living with HIV (PLHIV) in Nigeria. The organization supports the Nigeria Government through grants received directly from the USG to provide care and treatment to over 74000 patients nationwide. The population she serves is not however limited to only PLHIV. The organization also conducts prevention and OVC …show more content…

Evaluate your incentives in terms of motivational effectiveness. You should support your claims on effectiveness using research from the unit readings or your own sources.
There are ways to incentivize performance. Some of the ways are;
Pay related Performance (PRP); this approach seeks to use pay as an encouragement for individuals to improve on the quality of work and services rendered. Under this approach, additional financial rewards, is based on ratings on competence and contribution (Goodwin, N., G. Reinhold, & V. Iles, 2006). Targets are set for individuals at the beginning of the year, and as individuals go about meeting them, supported by the supervisor, monetary incentives are attached as motivation.
Le Grand (2003) states that while PRP may actually serve as motivation for some workers; it may also serve as demotivation for others. PRP should be used in ways that it doesn’t create conflicts.
Other ways could include giving recognition for high performance. This could be in form of a thank you email, dinners and /or mentions during official events. Other methods can involve on the spot praise, more leadership roles etc. Reference;
1. Managing Strategic Change; (Tichey;