Health Care Worldview And Analysis

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When working in the health field the focus is on treating the patient and relieving them from any discomfort. However, often times the individual can become just another patient and this is when problems arise, each patient should be treated as a unique individual. Once health care providers realize and practice this, they must also become aware of the person’s personal beliefs system since it can have a great impact on the treatment they choose and how they care for themselves as well. By understanding another person’s belief system one can gain insight about the individual. In this country the most common religion is Christianity yet there are numerous religions out there and health care providers should take some time to understand at least …show more content…

When it comes to Christianity the ultimate reality is God, the creator of it all, in Christianity the main focus is to create a relation with God and to live in harmony with him. In Buddhism the ultimate reality is Nirvana, an idea that the individual enters a state of living where there is no longer any greed, hatred, or delusion present (Eifion, 2017). Another question for determining a worldview would be asking what the nature of the surrounding world is. For Christianity the world was creation of God in which all was good. In Buddhism the world is just an illusion, humans are a part of nature and must find peace within it but like all else the world can change so it becomes and illusion because not all view it the same way. Thirdly a worldview asks what a human being is. Well, Christianity tells people that humans are creatures that are made in the image of God, with a soul, and are to care for others and the Earth. In Buddhism humans are not superior beings, they do not have a soul, and the idea of “I” does not exist. What this means is that humans are like anything else that can be disassembles, seize to exist and don’t have a distinct identification. AfterOnce a person diesoes what happens to them at death. When it comes to Christian perspective the individual’s soul is separated from the body and it goes to judgment based on how the person lives then they will …show more content…

These include awareness, nutrition, rest, support, and happiness. In order to begin the process of healing both patients and those that they are nearest to have to be aware of the need for remedy. The patient must realize that it is time for him or her to slow down their activities and to find a center of inner peace. Nutrition is a concept that is an essential part of healing; the body requires the proper ingredients in order to rebuild itself. Along with nutrition the body also needs some physical activity; the intensity will depend on the individual and their condition and strength. Rest is a priority, not only should the patient attain rest by sleeping, laying, or sitting, but also by having quiet around, and the levels of distractions should be minimized. From their caregivers and family members the patient needs support; they need to feel that it is okay to slow down and take it easy and that those around them are willing to help pick up the slack. Peace is a component that is needed but it is also one that does not have clear guidelines. Peace is something all find in different ways, it is based on their outlook towards their surrounding world, and being comfortable in the state that they are, along with realizing that there is something better