Health Disparities Among Latinos

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Despite improvements, racial minorities and people that suffer disabilities often face more health care disparities that lead to health inequalities including forced sterilization and an increase in cervical cancer. For instance, the American Indian/Alaska Native population is a prominent minority community that faces health disparities. In the United States, there is currently 567 federally recognized American Indian/Alaska Native tribes and 2.9 million individuals identify themselves as American Indian/Alaska Native natives alone (Dugi, 2017). These individuals continue to die faster than other Americans in many categories that can be attributed with the health disparities this population endures (Dugi, 2017). American Indians/ Alaska Natives …show more content…

For example, although cervical cancer is preventable when detected at an early stage, it has had a tremendous impact on the Latino community. With a population of fifty-two million, Latinos are known as the fastest and leading minority group in the U.S. (Monroy, 2017). Cervical Cancer not only accounts for the second highest death rate among Latinos, but Latinos are twice more likely to die from cervical cancer than white Non-Hispanic women (Monroy, 2017). Several Social Determinants of Health have been linked to cause this tremendous disparity. Latina women tend to have limited access to updated health care information, limited to no health care coverage, and low socioeconomic status that all ultimately affects their access to appropriate screening and preventative services (Monroy, 2017). Language barriers and lack of cultural competency also propose challenges regarding proper care. While pap smears prove to be an excellent method to detect cancerous cells, Latina women commonly miss this key test due to the cultural practices that reject gynecological health care (Saenz, 2004). These social determinants pose health inequity for these women. Fortunately, vast amount of efforts and interventions have been presented to fix these issues. With the help of Community Health Workers, more preventative information and knowledge can be presented in a trusting way to this specific population (Monroy, 2017). For example, The Pima County Cervical Cancer Prevention Partnership (PCCCPP) educated community health workers called “Promotoras” and used community-based approaches to address and improve disparities related to cervical cancer (Monroy, 2017). These promotoras are trusted individuals of their community who serve and play a key part in collaborating health information and needed services to the community members (Monroy, 2017). Many