Health Disparities In DHOH Study

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In the United States (U.S.), health disparities are reported as a continuous focus area to resolve minorities health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014). The Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHOH) people is considered an underserved study minority population who experience great health disparities (Barnett & Franks, 2002; Pick, 2013). In the area of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), health disparities affect the US people and efforts are being made eliminate CVD health disparities, especially in the DHOH communities of America (Mckee, Mckee, Winters, Sutter, & Pearson, 2014; Pick, 2013). The underlining causes of health disparities as it relates to CVD prevention in the DHOH population are the lack of community-based …show more content…

The purpose of my health assessment is to access ways to get the DHOH people involved in their health finding solutions. In the need to address communication barriers and reduce CVD through the implementations of future public health policies with the help of various stakeholders in making permanent social changes (Minkler, & Wallerstein, 2008).

Health Assessment Questions
Question 1: What social changes are you trying to achieve from the dataset proposed in your premise?

Question 2: Who are your target stakeholders that the dataset is of interest too?

Question 3: Will your dataset help address or explain the main frustrations with the health care system in treating DHOH people with CVD-related diseases?

• A comparison of these qualitative questions with the quantitative question(s) you selected for your …show more content…

The list of the stakeholders along with the funding websites have been provided below in seeking their support and involvements. The rationale for selecting the listed stakeholders are due to their area of focus and responsibility in the community remove health disparities through supporting programs and CBPR initiatives. Moreover, they can help direct, guide, and provide the researchers with questions and answers they need to assess in finding a resolution to their health disparities concerns. Therefore, there are various ways to get the stakeholders included such as 1) conducting a community outreach event, 2) promote the awareness and statistical findings on their social media page, 3) develop social networking to promote partnership and collaboration, 4) attend community and policy-making forum conferences that focus on minority policies developments, and 5) simply draft up CPBR health assessment documents to seek their support, involvements and feedbacks to begin the initiatives (Lehman, Fenza, and Hollinger-Smith, 2013; Minkler & Wallerstein,