Food Marketing Concept

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This concept is taken from “Health care delivery, policy and Quality outcomes module no.1 and entitled as “Health, wellness and illness.”
It defines health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Traditionally, health has been defined in terms of the presence or absence of disease.
Explanation of WHO’s definition of health
• Reflects concern for the individual as a total person functioning physically, psychologically, and socially. Mental processes determine people’s relationship with their physical and social surroundings, their interaction with others. Places health in the context of environment. People’s lives, and therefore their health, are …show more content…

Children in the United States grow up surrounded by food and beverage marketing, which primarily promotes products with excessive amounts of added sugar, salt, and fat, and inadequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This document provides a comprehensive set of model definitions for food marketing practices directed to children. The recommendations, developed by a national panel of experts convened by Healthy Eating Research, define the child audience range as birth to 14 years of age; address the range of food marketing practices aimed at children; and specify the strategies, techniques, media platforms, and venues used to target children. When paired with sound nutrition criteria, these recommendations will help support responsible food marketing to children by addressing current loopholes in food marketing definitions and self-regulatory efforts that allow companies to market unhealthy foods and beverages to children. The healthfulness of foods and beverages found in retail food stores differs widely across the United States, both by location of the store as well as by store type. Some communities have limited access to stores that carry healthful staple foods such as fruits and vegetables, whole grain-rich foods, and low-fat dairy products, and these limitations likely contribute, at least in part, to disparities in diet and health. The recommendations included in this report were developed by a national panel of experts in food retail, nutrition, and obesity prevention convened by Healthy Eating

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