Helen Keller's Life: Faith Frelich

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Helen Keller’s Life Faith Frelich That moment when everything in life has meaning, when W-A-T-E-R means a drinkable fluid. When M-U-G means a cup with a handle. That feeling is what Helen Keller felt as water rushed down her arm. So thrilling it sent a chill down her spine. This blind and deaf young girl now understood what life was full of. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880. She was born in her home on 300 North Commons Street West in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Helen’s parents were Colonel Arthur Keller and Kate Adams Keller. Arthur Keller was a Captain in the Confederate Army. Helen had one sister and three brothers. She became closest to her sister Mildred Keller. Mildred was born six years after Helen. For the most part, they lived a very normal young childhood. When Helen was nineteen months old, she got a severe illness that doctors could not identify. People think the illness may have been scarlet fever or meningitis. Kate Keller became anxious, doing everything to comfort Helen. Once Kate had Helen’s fever under control she started to realize signs of deafness and blindness. Helen wouldn’t come bounding to the dinner …show more content…

Anne was born on April 14, 1866. Her parents immigrated to America during the Great Famine in the 1840’s. When Anne was five years old, she and her younger brother, Jimmie were sent to Tewksbury Almshouse, a house for the poor. One of Anne’s eyes had an extremely irritating disease, that caused her to go partially blind. After hearing rumors about Perkin’s School for the Blind, she was determined to reach that school. In 1880, Anne left for Perkins and underwent a surgery to help her vision. In June 1886 Anne graduated and was chosen as the class valedictorian. In need of work it was a sign when Kate Keller reached out to Perkins trying to find a teacher for Helen. The school director knew that Anne Sullivan would be the perfect