Hemingway Code Hero Essay

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Ernest Hemingway is commonly known for his description of war-torn veterans, especially those affected by World War I. This war caused a great break in values and expectations in the “lost generation” who went through it, perpetually ruining the rest of their lives. As well as his depiction of war, Hemingway is equally known for his creation of the Hemingway Code Hero. Hemingway describes a Code Hero depicting him as a These Code Heroes usually have been wounded or have gone through traumatic events and are continuously struggling to overcome their troubles. They are largely dissatisfied with their lives constantly seeking to find true meaning in life and tend to be disloyal to a large cause, but rather loyal to a small group of people or a relatively small idea. This "anti-hero," for he is never able to win, is a routine drinker, has varying levels of reason, uses women, escapes his …show more content…

After his injury occurs, Jake Barnes is largely dissatisfied with where his life standards are and craves to do more with his life. He travels to Europe from America in order appease his appetite for exotic landscapes and to attempt to escape from his pain. Jake flees to Europe and describes parts of it to be “very rich and green” and explains the landscape in awe. Jake writes This quote shows that, like a Code Hero, Jake attempts to rid himself of his suffering by ignoring his true pain. He chooses to focus on the scenery around him and the farther away he gets from the bustling cities, the happier he becomes. In addition, Jake tries to live life to the fullest extent with drinking and partying. During a night out he describes, Jake refers in this quote that his drunkenness is more destructive than creative. With pastimes such as drinking and partying, Jake hopes to bury his many accountabilities and his inability to be with the woman he