
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Research Paper

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Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a poet throughout the 1800s ("Henry Wadsworth). He started going to college when he was only thirteen years old ("Henry Wadsworth). At age thirteen his first poem was published ("Henry Wadsworth). In his lifetime he lived through two different wars in America ("Henry Wadsworth). Those wars were the War of 1812 and the Civil War ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow travelled throughout his life ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow went to Europe and attended the college of European Languages ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow learned seven languages while studying at the college of European Languages ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow lived with his aunt until he went to college ("Henry Wadsworth). Using experiences from his difficult …show more content…

He was born in Portland, Maine ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow was a traveler, a linguist and a romantic ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow’s parents were Stephen and Zilpah Longfellow ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow then moved into his mothers fathers house ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow grew up with seven siblings ("Henry Wadsworth). By the age of three, Longfellow had already learned the alphabet ("Henry Wadsworth). At the the age of five, Longfellow and his brother started going to the Portland academy ("Henry Wadsworth). At age thirteen, Longfellow published his first poem ("Henry Wadsworth). His first poem to be published was named “The Battle of Lovell’s pond” and was on the front page of the “Portland Gazette” ("Henry Wadsworth). A year later Longfellow enrolled in his first college, the college of Brunswick, Bowdoin College ("Henry Wadsworth) Longfellow and his brother both graduated in the year of 1825 ("Henry Wadsworth). In 1835 Longfellow published his first book called “Outre Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea” ("Henry Wadsworth). In 1829 longfellow started teaching French, Italian, and Spanish at the the college of Bowdoin ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow then married Mary Potter whom live in Portland (“Henry Wadsworth). After he got married he started to write critical essays ("Henry Wadsworth). Longfellow published six foreign language textbooks ("Henry Wadsworth). This led to him being the Smith …show more content…

In addition to the conventional epic features of heroic action, supernatural event, thrilling adventure, “The Song of Hiawatha” is an entertaining source of American Indian lore ("The Song). The epic poem of “The Song of Hiawatha” is as much a rhetorical excuse for narrating tales of American Indian mythology as it is important for its own sake ("The Song). These tales are highly imaginative and interesting, such as how the lonely Wabun, the East-Wind, yearned for a lovely maiden, whom he wooed with “sighing and singing” (“The Song). Eventually he changed her into the star of morning that is visible each dawn as the East-Wind gently blows ("The Song). Many of the tales are mighty adventures of bravery and magic ("The Song). In order to fight off a fever plaguing his people, Hiawatha challenges, the powerful magician who is the cause of the fever ("The Song). After striding a mile per step in his magic moccasins, Hiawatha arrives in the land of magician, where he battles poison serpent guards ("The Song). Then finally face to face with Megis Songwon, Hiawatha finds that his expert bowmanship is of no avail because the magician’s wampum shirt is enchanted and protects him ("The Song). A woodpecker reveals to Hiawatha the magician’s vulnerable spot, which enables Hiawatha to vanquish Meigs Songwon and save his village from the fever ("The Song). To reward the woodpecker, Hiawatha dyes the bird’s head

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