Henry's Use Of Allusion And Denotation In A Retrieved Reformation

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magine. You live near a criminal, but not just any criminal, a safecracker, who has now gotten released from prison, who knows what he will do next? Say that you went to prison for cracking safes, when you got out, would you really go back to doing what got you there in the first place? If so, how would he do it, and the real question is, why? In A Retrieved Reformation, O. Henry uses allusion and denotation to show anyone can change. A man is released from prison, when he gets out he does the same exact thing that got him there in the first place, but everyone one can change, there’s no doubt about it. The man, who had been a criminal for most of his life, by the end of the book, was using his skill of safecracking to help save a little girl’s

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