
Hermia In A Midsummer Night's Dream By William Shakespeare

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Believe in the Unexpected

Did you know it’s completely okay to believe in something that maybe you’re afraid of and don’t know if it will work out? That is exactly what happens to Hermia in a Midsummer Night’s Dream written by William Shakespeare. There are many marriages, drama, and different couples that are put together throughout this story. People get married to people they didn’t think they would get married to and there’s a play that is a complete disaster. Hermia is the character that plays an important role in the story and she is going to be who is focused on throughout this paper. Love is often unexpected. She is supposed to marry Demetrius, falls in love with Lysander, and tells us at the end that everything is well.
Throughout the story Hermia is an extremely important character. She is also extremely calm and adds diversity to the story. She’s kind of the spice in the story that nobody really understands for awhile. In the beginning, Hermia’s father wants her killed because she doesn’t behave and doesn’t listen to what he has to say. She is someone you wouldn’t …show more content…

But, she is a character that is super important to the text and should make you want to read the story over and over again. Hermia is a person that I think a lot of people can relate to with the whole love issue. She is confused and wants to have direction with her life and not to sit and wander about everything that might be happening in her life. Everyone needs to sometimes just self reflect and look back at their relationships and make sure they’re going to not hurt themselves in the process. Hermia needs to love herself before she gets into a relationship and not worry about what everyone else thinks. I relate to Hermia and I think I need to look at her and think about some of the choices that she made throughout the story. She is a very cool character, and really interests

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