High Cost Of Higher Education On College Campuses

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Higher Education has many issues within its walls. Higher Education is the study of a more advanced education after high school. The issues that Higher Education is facing range from harm to the type of people found inside of the classroom. Children have been encouraged to go to college since they were little, but arising problems could change this. I wanted to know more about the problems that Higher Education has been facing in current times, so I did some research. I found that Higher Education has been fighting with issues of sexual assault, who has access to the facilities, and the high cost of these colleges.
Sexual assault has become a major problem on college campuses. Many females are experiencing unwanted touching on the campuses …show more content…

Higher education is known to be very important in society through the social norms that have been placed upon us by our ancestors. Most are viewed lesser if they are not in higher education courses after high school graduation, but this is hard to do due to the high cost of these institutions. College is considered one of the biggest businesses in the United States which annually generates about “$500 billion in revenues” (Blumenstyk pp 43). Since college is considered a “must” in order to make it on your own, people spend the money on these classes no matter the cost. Although there are high cost to college, reports show a “return of investment of 10 percent” (Neuman). Although college has a high cost, its effects in the end are worth it as they show in the results above. These results have attracted more people to the institutions. The high cost of college and why it keeps rising is a question that many families are asking. The high rising cost is actually due to the students according to research studies. The rising cost is caused by the fact that “students demand more services outside the classroom and colleges are providing more amenities to attract applicants” (Selingo). The services demanded by students are services to help them in health and in ways such as career counseling. These demands have caused college spending to increase which has an effect on tuition cost. Students are also “shouldering much more of the cost of their degree at public colleges and universities” (Selingo). This hasn’t stopped students from applying to colleges, as rates have increased over the