High School Football: Article Analysis

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Within class, we have been discussing the topic of allowing your son to play the physical sport football. Would you allow your son to play football with having the insight of all the risks they would be taking? I would not allow my son to play football because of how physical it is. High school football has the highest rate of concussions at 47.1% over all the other sports played by high schoolers. Within the article, “Would you let your son play football” on ESPN.com states, “The issue of player safety and concussions would have a very real, very fresh face.” This is significant because once a football player dies they are examined, which the majority of football players have serious injuries in their brains. Although many brain injuries are found due to football, there is not much awareness that is spreaded to warn people about these risks. After the life of playing football, many things become f=difficult as you adjust to the life without football. Within the autopsy of Mike Webster after he died from a heart attack, he found to have chronic traumatic encephalopathy. In this article, “Mike Webster autopsy 'one of the most significant moments in the history of sports, '” it was found that Mike Webster’s brain was way older than his actual age. “Omalu described Webster 's brain as one of "boxers, very old people with Alzheimer 's …show more content…

Within one of the videos we had watched, a Ted Talk about “Football Helmets Don’t Protect Against Concussion- We’re Not Sure What Does,” it is spoken about the question, do helmets really prevent injuries from occurring? “The brain is one of the softest substances in the human body- it’s more like jell-o.” As it is explained, the brain is the most sensitive part within the body, which needs very much care for it. If the helmets do not prevent concussions or injuries, how can we really rely on them to protect our children? If they can not help then I do not really see a point of them, but they do help more than not having