High School Persuasive Speech

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In today's Society is in a combat against death some Americans win some Americans lose Americans fight death every single day, Everyone is scared of death. On July 26, 1764 was the first school shooting massacre this is the date that started all the traumatizing events that Americans have going on now series of events happen throughout school Students Face a lot of pressures starting from Middle school all the way up to College in these phases some students go through the Depression , Bullying , Anorexia , many even going through Chronic Loneliness all of these. Together as a whole can eliminate things that our kids our going through for they don't have any intentions of pointing guns at their peers as our life should be lived Smoothly not in Chaos. School shootings have played a large role in death over the past few years there has been 17 school shootings since the Sandy Hook Elementary School incident occurred which was in December 14th, 2012. Nobody wakes up and automatically wants to shoot up a school, we …show more content…

Bullying has been around for a very long time most people get bullied due to their appearance or social status. Bullying can threaten students physical and emotional safety at school which can also lead to a negative impact on their ability to learn, Bullying also affects an estimated 20% of 12 to 18 years old U.S. students and is often linked to school shootings(Newsweek). We need to start taking action , school is supposed to be a safe zone where all students can feel safe some students dealing with more trauma than others only look forward to school during their day some ways the community could take action is by training our staff on what bullying is and how to prevent bullying Helping kids to understand bullying, keeping lines of communication open, encouraging kids to do what they love, and model how to treat others (stop