Hillary Clinton Pros And Cons

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The Lesser of Two Evils The lesser of two evils is the less harmful or unpleasant of two bad choices or possibilities. In this instance, the American public was forced to chose between someone who many thought of as above the law and someone with questionable morals and judgments. The problem at hand is attempting to figure out how the candidates ran their election campaigns and which manner each proved efficient or not efficient. As Governor Mike Huckabee stated in a CNN article, “Trump may be a car wreck, but at least his car is pointed in right direction. Hillary is a drunk-driver going the wrong way on the freeway.” (History,Clinton) Although Clinton entered the primary election season in February 2016 with an ongoing e-mail scandal, …show more content…

The Quinnipiac University Swing State Poll finds that by margins of 8 to 14 percentage points voters in Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania are skeptical of Clinton's trustworthiness. In Florida, 51% of voters hold the negative view of Clinton, compared to 43% who feel she is trustworthy. In Ohio, 53% of voters find Clinton not trustworthy, compared to 40% who do. And in Pennsylvania, 54% of voters don't find her honest, while 40% do. According to the analysis of the 2016 Cooperative Congressional Election Survey, fewer than 80 percent of those who voted for Sanders, an independent, in the Democratic primary did the same for Clinton when she faced off against Trump a few months later. What’s more, 12 percent of those who backed Sanders actually cast a vote for Trump. A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows 41 percent of Americans have a favorable impression of Clinton, while 56 percent have an unfavorable one. That's the worst image Clinton has had in her quarter-century in national public life. Her previous low favorable rating this year was in July, when it was 42 percent, lower than any mark in historical Post-ABC polls except a few points in the 1990s when a large share of the public had no opinion of her. Her previous high for unfavorable views was in …show more content…

Pirro recalled allegations that Clinton called Gennifer Flowers "trailer trash" and Monica Lewinsky a "narcissistic loony toon." "The presidential election in 38 days comes down to the battle of political corruption versus truth—where one candidate chooses political correctness, [and] the other [is] brave enough to state the obvious," Pirro said on ‘Justice’. One says things not politically correct: not run through the prism of the contemporary political lens. The other...carefully filters [her words] and then flat out lies to [our] faces," Pirro said, pointing to Hillary Clinton.Judge Jeanine: ‘I Can’t Trust A Pres Who Doesn’t Think I’m Worthy Of Being An American’. Ex-Secret Service Agent: Hillary 'Flat-Out' Lied About Bosnia Sniper Fire. Former Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne commented on Hillary Clinton's 1996 mission to Bosnia, saying that a 2008 speech in which Clinton said she was under sniper fire was "a flat-out lie."Byrne said that anybody who worked around the Clintons in the Secret Service who saw that speech would "start laughing their faces off because they knew that was a flat-out lie." Wallace said on The O'Reilly Factor he didn't accept Hillary's "short-circuit" explanation and said Clinton's "new answer" was "positively Clintonian." Clinton’s reputation was ruined by email problem, which made her untrustworthy. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the Select Committee on