Hindu Arguments Against Euthanasia

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There are many cases in which there are radicals killing people very recently; a Hindu would see these instances as dishonorable, disappointing, and saddening. They look upon what was going on and think that the criminal had lost their path in dharma and would suffer a massive karma backlash in later years. In regards to abortion, they see it as a horrendous act and see it as “a crime worse than killing one’s own parents”. While many people view Hinduism as polytheistic many Hindus say they are monotheistic. To them their Supreme God is capable of taking on many forms in order to teach lessens, connect with his subjects, or to reveal certain emotions God feels at different times, the Hindu just give different names to each form their God takes …show more content…

Capital punishment or more specifically the death penalty is sort of in the grey area for Hindus. While they know that in some cases it is very necessary for a dangerous criminal to die, they have always seen killing as a dishonorable act and so in India there are very few times in which execution is a viable option. Most Hindus would say that a doctor should not accept a patient’s request for euthanasia because it would damage both the patient’s and the doctor’s karma. However, others say that through ending the suffering of another is one way to fulfill their moral …show more content…

There also happens to be the current presidential election. At this point I’d say that most Hindu americans have sided with Hillary Clinton because of the fact that she is trying to aid refugees and is not particularly looking to start conflict, while Trump is. The recent jihadist bombing that had taken place would be seen as both cruel and disgusting. Hindus have always been rather accepting of the other religions surrounding them and they believe that everyone has the right to worship whoever or whatever they wish, and taking violent action against those who do not have the same beliefs as you would be viewed as plain wrong. The Hindu people are a peaceful and nonviolent community that are very accepting of things and people as they are. Though there happens to be many people that are very prejudiced against them, despite their peaceful demeanor. This is due to uneducated people assuming that just because a religion or culture has females wear headdresses, or originated in a similar area that they are the same or have the same