
Hiroshima And Nagasaki Ad Analysis

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At the commencement of the Cold War, America and the Soviet Union had a strained relationship. Technology and scientific advancements had evolved into nuclear warfare. Both America and the Soviet Union faced the possibility of a nuclear war. To protect its people, America distributed ad’s including nuclear bomb information along with evacuation plans. An ad issued from North Dakota begins by warning the reader of the prospect of a nuclear attack. The ad then includes a brief summary of the ability of the bomb. Reader’s should be aware of the magnitude the bomb possesses. People exposed to the bomb will die from the heat, blast, or radioactivity emitted. The ad then discusses hypothesized areas of attack. The reader should avoid these areas if possible and anyone located near these areas should not panic. To reassure the reader the ad includes a plan of defense. The plan of defense, discusses measures the military will do to protect the people, such as alerting and interception. The military will try to intercept foreign planes from entering, but failure to …show more content…

The effects of the bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were appalling. The strength of the bomb annihilated an entire city, and later on killed it’s few survivors due to exposure of radiation. However, the bombing of Japan ended the war with the United States. The United States could have threatened the Soviet Union with an atomic bomb, but the Soviet Union had bombs of its own. Soviet spies had informed the Soviet Union of atomic bomb and lead to the development of their own atomic bombs. The government knew the power of the atomic bombs possessed, but if that information would cause panic in the public. The ad’s warning the public of the atomic bomb were misleading. In a situation where an atomic bomb would have dropped, there would be no survivors. Exposure to the bomb would eventually kill the people, even if they “cleansed” themselves from

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