
Historical Context: Bible Study

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Why is the historical context an important consideration? It is important to consider the historical context so that it remains relevant to our present. Studying and understanding the historical context of scripture enables you to understand what the scripture meant to those it was originally written for as well as allowing you to figure out what it means for you. Key factors related to the historical context are the author, the audience, and the world or era of time in which they were living in. Knowing the author of a letter or a book in the Bible is an important part of Bible study. Asking questions like who wrote it and is it about someone, can be helpful. When examining the audience, you want to know who was the book or the letters intended recipient. The relationship between the author and the audience is an important component as well. You should know if this is a new relationship, one that has some established history and if it is good or bad. The last factor of great importance is that of the existing world in which the passage was written. This plays an essential function in understanding the historical context. During different periods of history; customs, beliefs, and culture varied. What was acceptable once may not be acceptable at another time. …show more content…

“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?” The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?’ (John

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