History Of Federalism In The Philippines

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PH Federalism Debate: Where Are We Now?
The Constitution, regarded as the fundamental law of the land, is the foundation of our institutions. Constitutions seek to build, enable and regulate institutions that cater the needs and rights of people (“What is a Constitution?”) They also have a key role in empowering states, providing government stability, protecting freedoms and legitimizing regimes (Heywood 338).
Any attempt at an amendment or revision of our constitution entails a complex process of discourse and decision-making. Amendments mean changing specific provisions in our Constitution without affecting its entirety. But, a revision implies a fundamental review to change the totality of our Constitution (“How To Change A Constitution.”). Therefore, with the ongoing debate on the viability of a shift to a federal form of government in the Philippines, not only politicians and scholars but also the citizenry should pay a close attention because everyone will be affected by the outcome of the potential changes in various magnitudes. President Duterte embarked on a series of talks around the country advocating federalism way before the presidential campaign period (“Rody Duterte embarks on a nationwide ‘listening tour’”). It continued during the span of his election campaign as one of his major platforms. Frequently citing how local government units (LGUs) receive a tiny share of income from the national government and how Imperial Manila dominates the national