History Of Rural Development In India

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Development programmes that are designed to target livelihood opportunities to help in improving the quality of life for marginalized people by providing them access to health care, livelihood opportunity and protection, thus giving them a ray of hope to constructively contribute to their family.
Rural Development in India is one of the most important factors for the growth of the Indian economy. India is primarily an agriculture-based country. Agriculture contributes nearly one-fifth of the gross domestic product in India. In order to increase the growth of agriculture, the Government has planned several programs pertaining to Rural Development in India. The Ministry of Rural Development in India is the apex body for formulating policies, regulations and acts pertaining to the development of the rural sector. Agriculture, handicrafts, fisheries, poultry, and diary are the primary contributors to the rural business and economy.
Rural development in India has witnessed several changes over the years in its emphasis, approaches, strategies and programmes. It has assumed a new dimension and perspectives as a consequence. Rural development can be richer and more meaningful only through the participation of clienteles of development. Just as implementation is the touchstone for planning, people 's participation is the centre-piece in rural development. People 's participation is one of the foremost pre-requisites of development