History Of Santa Cookies And Milk Essay

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The Evolution of Santa’s Cookies and Milk
Being in a modern world, traditions are changing every generation to adapt to the evolving years. Many cultures are loyal to their old roots and some are open to change. Thus, traditions are such a prominent factor in modern cultures today. Christmas is a joyful, religious holiday, and tradition that continues to thrive in today’s modern cultures. It is beloved by many and has an array of traditions associated with families. It is associated with the birth of Jesus Christ, Norse mythology, and European cultures. However, the tradition of leaving treats for Santa Claus has been a favorite of cultures who celebrate Christmas for centuries. Furthermore, the adored tradition has evolved from a true story inspiring the beloved Santa Claus myth, creating the tradition of leaving treats for Santa on Christmas eve, and how cultures are continuing the tradition and creating memories for generations.
Understanding how the tradition came to life needs an extensive look into the origins of Santa and …show more content…

He had to acquire the respect and reputation of Saint Nicholas, deliver gifts around the world in one night, and stay relevant to future generations. In the article written by Kylie Mohr, a journalist for the National Public Radio, she mentions and quotes, Bruce Forbes, the author of Christmas: A Candid History, he sees, “the figure of Santa Claus as a uniquely American creation…and thinks influential illustrations by Thomas Nast depicted Santa as someone you'd want to leave treats out for. "Thomas Nast ... helped develop much of the mythology we take for granted today," Forbes says,” (Mohr). According to Douglas Olsen, “Santa Claus, … is a white bearded, twinkle-eyed old man, who wears a red jacket, pants and hat, all trimmed in white fur, and a black belt and boots, and drives a magic sleigh drawn by eight flying reindeer, [and] …lives at the North Pole,” (Olson,