Hitler's Contribution Of Opposition To The National Socialists Party

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- Within six months of his election, Hitler mad any opposition to the National Socialists party (Nazi) illegal
- In March 1933, Hitler proposed the enabling act to the German Reichstag
- Would effectively do away with parliamentary procedure and legislation, which would then transfer full powers over Germany to the Chancellor for four years
- The bill was eventually passed, with 444 votes to 94.
- In 1934, Hitler uses the death of President Hindenburg and the enabling act to combine his office of chancellor with the office of President, which would result in the swearing of the loyal oath of the Army to Hitler and his subordinates
- Violence and intimidation were rife at the time of all elections, so the voters were coerced to vote Hitler in.
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- This was the beginnings of Hitler’s German police state, where simply civil rights were not a guarantee.
- Political opponents, particularly those associated with the German Communists movement were treated to intimidation, persecution and discriminatory legislations.
- For the first two years of his rule (1933-35) Hitler set about bringing other political parties, state governments and both cultural and professional organisations in line with Nazi Goals and plans.
- Culture, the economy, education and law all came under Nazi control during this period.
- Fear was key – by causing fear, people turn to a leader of note and stature, and Hitler fit the