Hm Quality Coordinator

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As the new HIM department quality coordinator, my duties and responsibilities will includes enforcing collaboration across the entire organization with multidisciplinary team members that consist of Nurses, allied health professionals, Physicians, and major departments. The function of HIM coordinator will also include providing ongoing education to members of the HIM department in the areas of billing, coding, and release of information, medical record transcription and maintaining data integrity. The HIM quality coordinator should report directly the HIM director and the organization’s Chief Information Officer. The first process in addressing the numerous issues that is plaguing the HIM department will involve the review of the department …show more content…

The HIM quality coordinator should include the HIM director and staff member in this process, and also make an attempt to secure upper management buy-in for the proposed solution. The HIM coordinator should seek collaboration across all departments in an attempt to address these issues, and develop an effective workflow process within the HIM department to ensure bill hold is held below $500,000.00 mark. Next step of action will involve having all physicians onboard with the new workflow process, which means that physicians make every effort to complete their patient’s file within a reasonable timeframe, and having a physician champion can help smooth things out. Lastly, there will be need to establish an effective policy to reduce the length of billing hold; this policy will specify a three to four day holding period, and with the support from upper management the organization can levy a penalty against any clinician/physician that fail to complete their patient’s file in a timely …show more content…

The policies and procedures should address the following areas that include, effective communication among various entities in the organization, education and training program for the every department, and most especially the HIM department, implementation of communication channel within the HIM department and other department in the organization, procedures for appropriate disciplinary action/corrective measures, and auditing/monitoring system. Furthermore, the policies and procedures should outline specific action plans that should be followed in the HIM department; the policies and procedures will be fashioned to adhere the guidelines and recommendations of major accrediting and professional organizations such as the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), the American Hospital Association (AHA), and National Center for Health Statistics. The issue of medical record availability should be addressed to specify the document requirements necessary for effective coding practice, and also the establishment of the role of physician advisor should be considered in order provide guidance on coding issue and to act as liaison between medical staff and the HIM department. Additionally, as part of the effort to address the coding issues, the HIM coordinator should set goals that will guarantee 100% coding accuracy report and less

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