Hobby Lobby Ethical Dilemmas

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Introduction In business, the prevalence of unethical decision-making and finding ways to curb these tendencies creates a dilemma. According to Kim, Fisher, and McCalman (2009), these problems stem from the past hundreds of years in which society strived to separate spirituality from business. The problem is that in order for ethical behavior to exist, a definitive view of right and wrong must be established (Kim, Fisher, & McCalman, 2009). In considering the “’Worldview, Philosophy, Faith and Ethics’ Reading” (n.d.), ethical frameworks need to build on a solid foundation based on God as the Creator and Sustainer. In the same fashion, organizations that incorporate a Scriptural perspective create a foundation of truth that is based on a relational God and established boundaries of right and …show more content…

Over the years, this company has opened over 600 stores, while “carrying no long-term debt” (“Our Story,” 2016). As a company, Hobby Lobby strives to support the community through monetary contributions and offering discounts to various charitable organizations (“Our Story,” 2016). Additionally, Hobby Lobby places a high value on its employees by offering them a minimum wage of $14 an hour, as well as maintaining a guaranteed one day a week off through keeping their stores closed on Sundays (Oppenheimer, 2013). Hobby Lobby found itself in legal trouble, because it objected to providing abortion pills in its employees’ insurance plans, which was a mandatory requirements with the Affordable Care Act (Oppenheimer, 2013). In 2014, the Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s decision allowing the company to opt out of this provision based on its religious beliefs (“The Decision,” n.d.). The company’s biblical worldview made it necessary for them to face a difficult battle both in the legal realm and the eyes of the public; however, this company stood firm its beliefs on the sanctity of