Persuasive Essay On Birth Control

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Are you prepared to have a child at this point in your life? If you answered no, there are preventive measures you could take, but your right for them is being threatened. Birth control is an extremely touchy topic in today’s society. A vast amount of people argue abortion is murder. Trump is trying to end contraceptives, some religions are against them, yet, four out of five women have used the pill, and 61 million women are in their childbearing years. The fact of it is, a substantial amount of women struggle to obtain contraceptives, especially with Trump attempting to diminish it, but providing birth control coverage will better the lives of not just women, but the entire world.

If birth control was more available unwanted or unplanned pregnancies would decrease costs to the states. Couples who …show more content…

The Trump administration made new rules making it easier for employers to drop birth control cover on “religious grounds.” He made it to where new insurance companies can object providing it on moral grounds without requiring any documentation. The Affordable Care Act requires private health care insurance plans to provide contraception with no out-of-pocket cost to consumers. However, an article called “ Contraceptive Cash” says “ The Trump administration also puts moral objections on the same level as religious ones. There is no clear legal authority in doing so.” On top of that, his new rules undermine Obama Care. Trump is taking away the right of millions of young women. Though people are entitled to their own opinions, I am a believer in birth control rights. Women have their own choices on their bodies. It benefits them in being able to enjoy their sexual freedoms without having to support a little human being prior to them being prepared to do so. It cuts down expenditures payed by taxes, and even lessens the amount of foster care victims. Birth control betters everyone’s lives in some