Holes Sachar

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Holes by Louis Sachar is an engaging book for all ages. It has a clear plot and is an excellent book for readers who have trouble understanding what they read. I’ve found myself always wanting to read on to find out what happens next. I would recommend this book to anybody who is passionate about getting to know each character physically and emotionally. In this book, multiple young men are expected to dig a five feet by five feet hole everyday without failure. While doing so, the hard working men get to express themselves by sharing stories to the other campers about their home life. These bonds grow into lifelong friendships; especially the one between Stanley and Zero. A major theme in Holes is friendship is the key of survival. The friendship …show more content…

“What worried him the most...wasn’t that it was too late...what really ate his insides, was the fear that it wasn’t too late.” (Sachar 146). In my opinion, these lines were the most memorable in the book. They have reminded me the true meaning of friendship and how much a person can care about somebody else. I put these words into my own life thinking about how I would feel if my best friend went missing and I had no way of getting ahold of them to know if they were okay. It warmed my heart reading about how Stanley’s relationship with Zero was so strong that he risks his own life by hijacking Mr. Sir’s truck and briskly setting off to find Zero. Stanley’s expectations weren’t high considering that Zero had been away for days without food, water, or shelter, but when he overheard the Warden and Mr. Sir over talking about how they were going to delete all of Zero’s files and act like he never existed, he knew he made the right choice. Near the end of the book, my feelings about the lines above were reassured to be true when Stanley was officially released back to his lawyer and before leaving he said, “‘I can’t leave Hector.’” (Sachar 219). This caused Ms. Morengo, Stanley’s lawyer, to demand Zero’s files but then discovering that Camp Green Lake was a fraud, forcing it to be shut