Hollin Winters: A Short Story

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If you walk into West Monroe High School, you know the name. From her bright blonde hair to the matching pink nails and phone case, you can’t miss this girl’s sparkle. Hollin Winters is known as the face of this school, specifically for her outgoing nature and loving heart. As I sat down with her, I was excited to see what I could learn about the legend herself. Hollin has gone from cheering on our football team to leading our senior class in student council. When I asked about this, her eyes lit up. “I love being a leader,” she says, “some people fall into a category of follower or leader, and I have always been a leader.” I would have to agree with her statement, especially for the confidence she has built in the last year. She radiates it walking down the halls, at school games as she cheers on the team from the stands, and even in the interview you …show more content…

Maybe for interviews or parents, but as I went deeper into questioning her she began to fiddle with her thumbs. I asked her what she likes to do in her free time, and Hollin replied with telling me she loves to write. She has actually written one book but is too afraid to let others read it. I’m thinking of asking if one day over the summer I could read an excerpt. Here she showed me her fatal flaw: her confidence. While she has gained so much in the past year, due to certain events she was uncomfortable to go into depth about, she has decided to live life bettering her. While this is her biggest challenge, it’s a hard one. She has gone through having some hateful words thrown at her, along with being the “butt of the joke”. “I know how it felt to be the girl who wasn’t [confident]. I don’t ever want to make anyone else feel like that.” I believe this is what caused Hollin to push towards being a family and marriage counselor and an example to those around her. For Hollin, this act gives her a sense of accomplishment and