Holocaust And Eichmann's Trial Summary

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Calamity of Errors, the Holocaust and Adolf Eichmanns Trial The subject and purpose of her work was not just to report on the trial, as requested, she took it further, and analyzed the situation of the man and the people involved with the final solution. All the while never placing blame on anyone person or group, but rather a set of circumstances that unfolded that brought about the death of approximately 6 million humans. Mrs. Arendt, was without the best qualified to tackle such a task; with her previous writings, The Origins of
Totalitarianism in 1951 which is a very relevant book for the 20th century history scholars; in my opinion she did a superb job reporting this angle of the trial and the mad man it was representing.
Hannah Arendt …show more content…

Her feelings and emotions start to get the best of her and her writings, “simply the case of the eternally unrepentant criminal who could not afford to face reality because his crime has become part and parcel of it?” (Arendt 51-52) All the while concerned with the theatrics of the trial, hoping that it wouldn't detract from the real purpose. Mainly comprised of accounts from jewish survivors and their family members, it appeared that much of the testimony had nothing to do with Eichmann himself and his specific crimes as charged. “Arendt shared the judges’ sense that much of the survivor testimony concerned Eichmann only indirectly and took the trial off course.” (Torgovnick …show more content…

I would recommend this novel to anyone wanting to understand the man “coined” as the Architect of the Holocaust and the understand the atrocities he took part in. The book will forever stay on my shelf, as even my wife has decided to read it after listening to me discuss the contents with her. As many of comments and critiques this book has received, I am surprised that the book was even published and sold in Israel in the late 1990s. Based on the facts presented by the author, I would have figured due to the sensitive nature and the high Jewish population in Israel, this book would have been blacklisted forever. When it comes to war, under any circumstance, the blame is never just one mans to bear and more so, it is usually the circumstance to