The Holocaust resulted in the brutal genocide of six million Jewry by the Nazi German regime during World War II. The Holocaust era began in January 1933 when Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party came to power in Germany. The Nazis used the government to target and exclude Jews from society. They went to antisemitic measures by enacting discriminative laws and protocols. “As one of the first steps in the Nazi plan to murder the Jews of Europe, the German authorities ordered the concentration and segregation of Jews into ghettos.” (Ghettos) These acts eventually led to what was called the ‘Final Solution’ which was the organized and systematic mass murder of the Jews. “This genocide was implemented by the Nazi German regime between 1941 and 1945” …show more content…
He civilized people in the ghetto by normalizing the workload and communicating with everyone. It was the only hope of saving some remnant of Jews from destruction and was to keep the entire ghetto functioning as productively as possible.“I understand what faith means to the devout. It is an irreparable crime to take away someone’s only happiness, his belief. The Jews will not forgive Hitler for this. Our vengeance will be awesome” (Sierakowiak 121). He attended events such as a Simchat Torah where people gathered to divert their minds and have faith in God. Dawid was a member of the communist underground group and discussed various ways to resist or lift the spirits of those around them. The Oneg Shabbat archive is a huge record of life in the ghettos. It was mainly used to inform people of daily life, and to pass the story of the Holocaust through generations. Adding to the collection in the archive resulted in many people participating in unarmed resistance. “They wrote about resistance in its several forms, including cultural work, underground schools, the underground press, and smuggling, as well as armed resistance” (The Oneg Shabbat Archive). These small acts helped influence other ghettos to resist and formed a society of Jews who withstood the terrors of ghetto life and comforted each other. “Despite accelerating brutality all around the incarcerated Jewish …show more content…
Resistance should be memorialized and is important because it symbolizes Jews’ hope for survival. Dawid Sireakowiak’s testimony revealed much about the hardships and persecution suffered by Jewish people during the Holocaust. His diary entries revealed so much about life in the ghetto and how it impacted the Jews. There were many hardships faced and learning about ghetto life is significant for our understanding of the ideology behind the