Homeland And Diaspora

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The homeland and Diaspora are associated with each other. The term diaspora suggests the displacement from one place to another. The diasporic community is displaced from its homeland; the home here stands for the distance. Therefore, the displaced people always remember it in spite of the long distance of the diasporic community. The homeland means the land of origin, where one is born. If we look at the memories of the ‘home’ in the diaspora, it is always fragmented. The memory of homeland has always memorized the past event of homeland. The memory means something recollecting from the past, so people have recollect the memory of their homeland. The memory of homeland keeps them alive in host land; it means that they are always reconstructing the memory of the homeland in the process of imagination. In addition, the imaginary homeland refers to those people who are living outside their homelands, and they are not able to return to their original homeland. Such people look at their homeland in imagination. These people have created homeland out of their imagination because they did not visit their original homeland. Most of them heard about their homeland through their parents or elderly people. Hence, they create the perception of homeland in their minds. The imaginary homeland does not exist in the real sense but it is a created image by the migrant people. Benedict Anderson in Imagined Communities opines, "The nation, it is an imagined community and imagined as both