Homeless Intervention

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In a homeless person, the association of one or more chronic illnesses with substance abuse or mental illness appears to increase the risk of early death. Homelessness also has negative impacts on children; infants born into homelessness have low birth weights. Socioeconomic conditions those contribute to the prevalence of illness and early death among homeless population. Poor diet obesity, malnutrition, inadequate sleeping conditions, overcrowded shelters, limited facilities for adequate hygiene, exposure to violence and harsh elements, social isolation, depression and lack of health insurance are the factors involved for bad medical conditions.Initial medical visit for homeless person occur during outreach. During first visit with the homeless …show more content…

Once person is eligible for further treatment occupational therapies should find out the major life goal to support a client, working with homeless client aim to assist clients maximize strength and develop skills to engage effectively in everyday life activity. Helfrich et al. (2011) implemented and evaluated three life skills interventions on the basis of the model of human occupation and empowerment theory. Each intervention was designed for different groups within the homeless population. An employment module was delivered to youths, finance management module for domestic violence victims, and food and nutrition for adults with mental illness (Thomas, Gray, and McGinty,2011).People who experiencing homelessness the occupational therapy treatment intervention should focus more on client participation daily living activities such as ADLs, IADLs, money management skills, employment ,and education skills. Poor money management skills lead person towards poverty result lack of employment and alcohol and drug abuse. Occupational therapist interventions educate client about money management skills, stress management skills. Occupational therapy also provides referral for resources available in community for employment, health care. To address cognitive impairments in homeless client, the occupational therapy intervention include activity analysis, grading,