Homelessness In Aging Adults

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Living on own or with family member can cause loneness in an elderly aging adult. Even if an aging adult lives with family members they will spend most of their day alone, when everyone else is working or at school .If an aging loved one is living on own then they will also spend most of their day alone. If your loved one no longer drives they are more at risk of suffering from loneness because they will need to wait for others to take them places they want to go. The aging elderly may just be cooped up inside all day with no one to talk to. This is not the way they should spend the rest of their life, in their home waiting for others to make time for them. According to “Social Disconnectedness, Perceived Isolation, and Health among Older Adults.” …show more content…

In “Developing relationships in long term care environments: the contribution of staff”, it gives examples of the different perspectives there are when dealing with the elderly and how this influences them. Wilson, Christine Brown, and Sue Davies conclude their study, “Many residents, families and staff in this study valued the development of personal and responsive relationships, which were developed when staff engaged in resident-centered care” (1752).They defined resident- centered care as “supported staff in seeing the resident as the person they had been, as well as the person they were now” (1751). An example, that I can recall that I use the resident- centered perspective, was when a ninety- four year man order his food with some special request. When I bought his food, he said “just as the doctor order” after he said that we both laughed because he knew that I knew what he was referring to. This man is a retired doctor so in his statement “just as the doctor order” he was referring to himself. If I didn’t have a resident center perceptive I would have thought he