Homer's Odyssey: Odysseus The Mastermind

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Odysseus the Mastermind Odysseus may look like a bodybuilder with a gnarly beard who can fight, but looks may be deceiving. Odysseus was famed for his courage, intelligence, and leadership. Yes, he is huge, but his most important asset is his brains. In Greek Mythology, Odysseus is the son of Laertes and Anticleia, is the king of Ithaka, and is the leader of the Kephellenians. He is married to Penelope and they have a son named Telemachus. Odysseus is also the main character in the book series “Odyssey” by Homer.
Also, He is famous for doing many things like his journey home from Troy or saving his uncles and grandfather from a raging boar at a young age, but arguably his most famous act was coming up with the Trojan Horse and getting his troops …show more content…

The Trojan War had been going on for ten long years, lot’s of blood was being shed, and both the Greeks and Trojans are too stubborn to throw in the towel. The Greeks could not beat the Trojans because of their big wall surrounding their town. But one day, Odysseus’ light bulb lit up, because he had a plan: they would trick the Trojans by making a huge wooden horse and putting it by the front door of their big, impenetrable wall. The Trojans would consider it a gift, and take it inside. And after all the Trojans go to sleep, the Greeks with come out of the horse, open the gates for all their men to get in, and take the Trojans by surprise. It was a great plan, and everyone was loved the plan, because they just wanted to end the war and go home. Odysseus hired a man named Epeius to direct the building of the horse, and did a solid job. Soon it was time to try the plan. They all pulled the horse to the gates and about thirty men including Odysseus climbed inside and waited. At the end of the day, Trojans look outside the walls and see that the Greeks are gone, leaving a big crazy horse. They all go outside to