Homophobia Throughout History and the Effects It Has Had on the LGBTQ+ Community Ever since written records have been around, homosexuality has been documented throughout history. Gradually, the changes of homosexuality tended to fluctuate within several different cultures, causing some points of the past to be more progressive than others (cite this). Homophobia has not always been present, but once it began to be associated with disgusting animals such as hyenas who were thought to eat corpses and involve themselves with homosexual acts, people began to relate homosexuality to something distasteful (source 12 cite this). Two church fathers, Augustine who was known promoter of forced conversion therapy and Clement who believed homosexuality …show more content…
Even some church officials were known to have same-sex tendencies which was shown from their love poems (source 12 cite this). In the 12th century the culture started to change and the structure began to get more rigid (source 12 cite this). The differences between church and state began to get muddled together and uniformity started to become more present and the intolerance of homosexuality was increasing (source 12 cite this). People thought that they were helping the different minorities, but the so-called protection actually took on more of a repressive nature (source 12 cite this). In the end of the 12th century it was almost common knowledge that the homosexuals were not to be tolerated and constantly homophobic indoctrination was popping up everywhere (source 12 cite this). The levels of intolerance just kept rising until the end of the 13th century when the beginning of the Jews having to wear the Star of David started and everything got fired back up later during the 20th century Holocaust (source 12 cite …show more content…
Homosexuals, along with other minorities, were majorly targeted during this time period. Homophobia had become a common idea by this time, so when Adolf Hitler started to rid Earth of certain types of people, homosexuals were the first to go during the Holocaust (source 8 cite this). During this time the homosexuals were referred to as several names. For example, some of the names were: vermin, plague, cancerous ulcer, a tumor, and more nasty names (source 8 cite this). Also, to make sure everyone knew who was gay and who was not, the homosexuals were forced to wear a pink triangle to signify to others that they were different. Even though a considerable amount of people were convicted of homosexuality (50,000-63,000 convictions), a mass of people was able to go undetected because they were able to repress their feelings sometimes (source 8 cite this). Once the Holocaust was over, almost all of the other minorities were able to receive restitution, but homosexuals were not able to and they also were not allowed to immigrate to different places, like the United States (source 8 cite this). On June 23rd, 1935, a legal campaign was released specifically so men could not be seen kissing, embracing, or having fantasies about other men (source 8 cite this). Alan Turing, a mathematician, logician, and cryptographer known for cracking the Nazi Enigma and helping aid the Allies in winning (source 26 cite this), was outed in 1952 for