Homosexuality Definition Essay

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My name is Ty Megliorino, and I am gay. For years the word has been tossed around as an adjective meaning “annoying” or “bad” and – as a result – has obtained a very negative connotation. But what does it mean to be gay? Homosexuality means that men are sexually and emotionally attracted to men, and women are sexually and emotionally attracted to women. (Exodus, 2014) Homosexuality dates as far back as the Roman era, where it was a common part of society. (Roman Culture, 2013) Unfortunately, we live in a time where people are treated differently solely because of their sexuality. Something as simple as a trip to the grocery store with your significant other can make you feel like an outcast. Although I’ve faced many challenges as a result of …show more content…

I face an onslaught of questions throughout the conversation ranging from “When did you decide that you were gay?” to “Did you know that’s a sin?” I tend to not take any offense from such questions, however blunt they may be. (Question 4)
Asking questions is an important part of human nature, and if I shrug them off or lose my temper when people ask questions about my sexuality, I’m not only representing myself, but how they view everyone similar to me as a whole. I do my best to explain to them that sexual orientation is not a choice, and that it cannot be modified by medicine and therapy. (Brown, 2013) In fact, one’s sexual orientation isn’t a problem at all. The problem lies within the misinformation people receive, who then become prejudiced – having a preconceived opinion not based on an actual experience. (Collins, 2012) (Question 6)
I take pride in the fact that I can help other people going through the same things I did. Because of my past experiences, I am able to provide others with various forms of advice and information that they wouldn’t find anywhere else. If someone were to come to me with any question from making their sexuality known, to coping with negative reactions from family members and friends, I am able to use my own personal experiences to relate to the issue at hand and help them solve it in the most effective way possible. (Question