Parenting Styles In 'Battle Hymn Of The Tiger Mother'

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Literature Review
Hong Kong parents are known for their rare yet famous parenting approaches including ‘Monster Parents’, ‘Tiger Mothers’ and ‘Helicopter Parents’. One reason behind the rise in such practices is when the book “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” came into light (Chua, 2014). Parents became influenced by it due to the successful story of the author’s daughters ending up in Harvard University in the book. As a result, parents also want their child to be like them. Hence, they tend to adopt and imitate such methods of disciplining the children. In addition, there are a total of four types of parenting styles in general including: Authoritarian, Authoritative, Permissive and Uninvolved/Neglectful (Morin, 2017). Characteristics and …show more content…

Firstly, children in this style have the lowest rate of attachment as there are no parent-child interaction between them. Due to lack of emotional responsiveness and love from their caregivers, these children tend to display deficits in cognition, attachment, emotional skills and social skills (Cherry, May 2016). Apart from this, this parenting style may also contribute to the adoption of the pessimistic attitude in children. They may be reluctant to talk to others. For instance, they may not be willing to participate in any group activities and isolate themselves by playing alone in one corner in the classroom. Thus, resulting in lack of social competence in children. Moreover, this child rearing style may result in problems in the long-term for these children. For instance, such children may be more prone to substance abuse, drinking alcohol, exhibit more delinquency, experience fear, anxiety or stress due to the lack of family support and emotionally withdrawn from social circle (Cherry, May …show more content…

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