Honor In Chivalric Culture

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Role of honor in chivalric culture and contemporary South Korean culture In the chivalric culture, shame and honor have significant implications for the life of the people. Knights in the chivalric culture are susceptible to shame based on their actions. As “The Knight of the Sword” illustrates, the general population ascribe significant honor to the knights in the land. However, the ascription of honor depends on the actions of the Knights. Some actions may go against the knightly expectations, hence, leading to shame. Several examples of honor are apparent in the text. For instance, Sir Gawain meets another knight on his quest who honors him by inviting Gawain to his castle. However, the events that follow illustrate that acting against the expectations of a knight could lead to dishonor or shame. Sir Gawain showcases courage as he treads on the unknown path despite being warned by four shepherds. Sir Gawain also could not have fulfilled his desires with the knight’s daughter because of the eminent death from the enchanted sword and showed honourable traits by maintaining self-control. However, the disclosure of such information to his land would cause him dishonor and shame and in this case death if he were to do the opposite. He faced mortal danger but was valiant …show more content…

Essentially, North Americans have a highly liberal culture. While honor and shame have a role in the society, they are not associated significantly with such gender-based commitments and obligations. Indeed, the North American culture may consider some issues, for example, divorce emanating from domestic abuse, as an honourable act. In the case of Shame in society, a person is constantly pegged to uphold the expectations of others, where their behaviour is modulated by enforcing the feeling of guilt or by the fear of punishment from family, a justice system or even by a group of