Hoover's Response To The New Deal

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Britain had been less dreadfully affected by the Great Depression but Britain 's industrial and export sectors continued to be seriously depressed until World War II. By 1931 many other countries had already been affected by the Depression. Almost all of the nation 's looked to protect their domestic production by imposing tariffs, increasing current tariffs, and placing quotas on foreign imports. The outcome of the restrictive measures put into place were to tremendously decrease the volume of international trade. The nation 's economic health slowly worsened as the president and business leaders attempted to convince the citizenry that rehabilitation from the Great Depression was imminent. Herbert Hoover perpetuated that federal …show more content…

The longest and most dreadful downturn in economic history tossed millions of the hardworking people of America into poverty, for more than a decade neither the federal government or the free market were able to restore themselves from prosperity. Due to the Great Depression, an impetus was provided for President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal, this deal would forever change the relationship between the government and the American people. The New Deal was considered to be one of the most remarkable times of political reform in American history. In hindsight, it began to become easier to view the New Deal as the essential response to the Depression. However, the New Deal at the time was only one of the countless possible responses to an American capitalist system that had professedly lost its way. By the middle of the 1930s, as the American people encountered half a decade of hardship with no end in sight, some Americans began to flirt with much further radical differences to the liberal reformist of the New Deal. Communists excited for revolution, while Share Our Wealth enthusiasts expected class-based wealth redistribution without favoring the Communists’ ideological precepts. In California, a massive minority voted in the favor of the author Upton Sinclair’s utopian plan to “End Poverty In California” through the state-organized cooperation manufacture by the